I’ve been a little bit spoiled by Will’s delay in speech…it allowed me to delay watching MY speech. But this morning was the latest in a series of “lets parrot mommy” debacles. In complaining about itunes to Nic, I may have used the phrase “come on, dipshits.” Which was immediately echoed by the three year […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Category Archives: familyAbout once a year I put Will through a week-long television detox program. Cold turkey. No tv. One week. The first day is hell. Constant “can I watch a show? please mommy, PLEASE?!” followed by tears. But that just strengthens my resolve. Clearly detox is needed. Day two is better. Yesterday he didn’t cry about […] The thing I like most about preschool days is that I get a ton of work done. The thing I like least is that if I go to the bathroom and suddenly discover there’s no toilet paper, there’s no three year old to come running to my rescue. “Show and tell” is a big deal to Will. (Scratch that–to ALL preschoolers.) The first month we were aware of show and tell, Will he wanted to bring his knuffle bunny. So I sent him with the knuffle bunny and the two stories about knuffle bunny. A perfectly good show and tell. A toy plus […] I can’t pinpoint exactly where it started, but I got sucked into the dream of an old fashioned better life. Animal Vegetable Miracle, The Gentle Art of Domesticity, the constant discovery of the new and terrifying ways that we’re poisoning our children with pesticides and Happy Meals and vaccines and toys from China all fueled […] |