Will wants to be a farmer when he grows up. This is the first time (that I remember) that he’s really settled onto an idea of what he wants to be. He’s really excited about making vegetables and selling them to people. Of course, he’s also entirely certain of the idea that he wants Ellie to be his wife, so I’m sure all this would change.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Welcome to my blog!
Hi! I'm Traci. I'm a Registered Nurse who loves quilting, knitting, cross stitch, and the great outdoors. In my pre-scrubs life, I owned Real Photography, and you can still see my old wedding and portrait photography site here .
I've created a map that shows links to our camping/hiking/general family fun review posts that you can find here. It's pretty much the coolest thing on this site. Thanks, Google!
I great big puffy heart *love* comments, so please let me know you visited! I try to always reply!
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