A wonderful lazy Friday. It’s 1:00 and we’re all still in our pajamas. I just laid Ellie down for a nap, past her normal nap time, but she’s been playing so happily with Will that I couldn’t stop them. Will went into her room when she woke up this morning and they played for 25 minutes before Will came in to inform me that she needed a diaper change—which seems to be a new routine for them. They have played and colored and practiced walking this morning. Ellie has always refused Will’s attempts to help her walk—she’s very particular about who she trusts—but today she bestowed the honor upon Will finally, and they were BOTH having the time of their lives as they walked up and down the length of the downstairs, over and over again.
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Welcome to my blog!
Hi! I'm Traci. I'm a Registered Nurse who loves quilting, knitting, cross stitch, and the great outdoors. In my pre-scrubs life, I owned Real Photography, and you can still see my old wedding and portrait photography site here .
I've created a map that shows links to our camping/hiking/general family fun review posts that you can find here. It's pretty much the coolest thing on this site. Thanks, Google!
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