“Mom! I see a reindeer!” Will shouted. I looked up and saw a giant deer running along our house, just outside our fenceline—about 10 feet from our windows. He met up in the grassy field just on the other side of the driveway with two others, including one with a huge full set of antlers […]
Needles and a Pen » Knitting, Sewing, and Nursing School

Monthly Archives: December 2010When we left for Seattle 11 days ago, I had a baby who crawled but in a limited way. She’d go a few feet, but that was about it. When I got home last night, I had a MOBILE baby. And worse, as we discovered minutes after putting her in her crib for the night…a […] No. I want to be in Seattle. Will, being told that we had landed in Colorado Springs. He misses Seattle very much, and informed me this morning that we need to return in “not too many days. like two days. or maybe one day.” When I told him that Granny wasn’t coming with us to […] Nic: They eat baby food. Will: They eat dead babies?! Pulled on my snow boots this morning only to find that one of them was full of cheerios, pieces of granola, a goldfish cracker, and other tasty mouse morsels. A little mouse has been using my snow boot for a house. Or at the very least, a pantry. Probably the very same mouse who met […] |